
Stargazing in the Taieri Gorge

Explore the mysteries of the cosmos onboard The Stargazer! Journey to Hindon in the Taieri Gorge for an evening of celestial wonder, in partnership with the Dunedin Astronomical Society.


The Stargazer | 4.5 hours | Destination: Hindon (via Taieri Gorge)

Train Trip Highlights:

  • Be one of the first passengers onboard this exclusive new train trip - available for one night only.
  • Admire sparkling stars, discover distant galaxies, and discover the beauty of the night skies from inside the iconic Taieri Gorge.
  • Seasoned astronomers will guide you between state-of-the-art telescopes, offering insights and answering all your burning questions.
  • Your ticket will also include complimentary hot drinks and a delicious Premium Hangi meal prepared by Harbourside Hangis. 

For more information about this train excursion please see our FAQ’s pageTerms & Conditions apply. 

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